Tuesday, December 06, 2005


American Body Language

Name: Soony Seo
Class: EAP1 ( Mini Survey )
Date: 11/29/05

American Body Language


Body language is the most common language to use in the world, even though the different language is used by a different country. It is universal to be able to communicate in the world. We can explain that gesture, facial expression and eye contact is body language. It is easy to see the universal body language in CESL. They also use hand gestures , facial expression, and eye contact to communicate, even though they use them not much comparing to American. Most Asian students agreed that American people tend to use body language more than they did. Mohamed Ali Bamuquabel and I went to the Student Center in order to look at American a real body language.

Methods and Procedure

We went to Student Center in SIU. We sat down in an area where we could observe many American’s body language for about 45 minutes. We watched hand gestures, kinds of eye contact, and facial expressions. We watched the SIU people, 15 people, in the Student Center. Six of the males and five females were white. Three males and one female were black. According to the body language, we guessed the relationships between people communicating. we guessed that nine people were friends because of hand gestures and friendly smiling, and six people relations were boyfriend/girlfriend, whose relationship has more eye contact, smiling and closer touching to each other.


First, w e found that most subjects use hand gestures to express something in conversation. It is interesting to see that African American and women tend to use hand gesture much more. In our group, 27% were Black Americans, and 63% were white Americans. The blacks tended to express something with big and active hand gestures in comparing to the whites. In our group, 33% were women, and 77% were men. The women tended to use hands more and gather their hands near the heart as a means of sincerity in comparing to the men. In addition, in our group, 40% were romantic couple, and 50% were friends, and 10% were old couple. The romantic couples are more likely to touch to each other. The special thing is that the old couple did not show touching.
Second, we could see all subjects (100%) tend to make straight eye contact with smiling. They concentrated on conversation with exchange eye contact. Especially romantic couple (50%) were more likely to do it in comparing to old couple(10%). It’s the most interesting thing to see American eye contact.
Third, all subjects(100%) tended to make smile on face, and they made a lot of facial expressions. Especially, romantic couple made much smile in comparing to old couple.

Discussion and Conclusion

It was surprising to me that African Americans exaggerate body language in comparing to white Americans, and women are more likely to use body language than men. Most importantly, all American tend to make straight eye contact on conversations . It was interesting to me that a young romantic couple is more likely to touch than an old couple. According to this survey, I am more likely to be sure that body language is an essential language to communicate in the world.

Reference: Seal,B. (1997). Body language. In Academic encounters (pp.135-158). NY:Cambridge.

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