Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Mysterious Brain

Name: Soony Seo
Class: GSE/ Essay#4
Date: 4/28/06

Mysterious Brain

It is very important to know the brain’s activity in solving problems. We have one brain physically, but we can use it with different styles psychologically. Since our living styles are complex, solutions are needed by creativity and methodical approach by situation. I want to compare both sides of the brain which has emotional and logical rooms.

First, you have to make people happy for business. According to this article, the author, Tyler Cowen(2006), described that it is important to know how people make decisions. New economists, neuro economists, are interested in studying how emotions influence on our choice. People think about prospective benefits and enjoy the feeling of risk when they are in a “positive arousal state”, while they use different brain modules and become more anxious when they think about costs. For example, when you gamble, you can see flashing lights and riming bells to make an illusion in your mind. Eventually, you will spend your money with a positive thought of a good investment. But if you are now considering investing your money in a risky business, your brain will work with analytical approach. Your brain has both positive and negative aspects for solving problems. It is clear that people are not consistent or fully rational decision makers. So, investors are becoming interested in the moneymaking potential of neuro economics. It is necessary to monitor people’s thinking in business world. For example, Wal-Mart strategy is “Everyday low price”; this advertisement makes consumer happy, so Wal-Mart reaches a successful story in business world. When people stop smiling, you have to adjust to their adrenaline levels or make different kinds of eye contact.

Second, you had better enjoy either creative or methodical ideas in brain for solving your problem. According to this article, “ Where do the big ideas come from?” the brain acts differently just before “aha!” moment revelation. When we face the problem, we all approach problems two ways; we sometimes approach analytically and sometimes we wait for that “aha” moment. Some of the problems are best solved methodically, but some more need insightful, creative solutions. Maybe human brain maybe pre-programmed to be either creative or analytical at any given moment. Some problems are better solved with methodical, analytical reasoning, and some lend them selves better to waiting for the “aha” moment. Certain types of problems it’s likely that using an insight strategy may give you an advantage. For example, when you make surgery to the patient, you don‘t need a creative approach to do surgery. It needs just skillful surgery for patient. If you have to make wave in your business items, you have to use your creative brain for unique productions such as brainstorming, mind map.

Human beings have a mysterious brain to think. We are able to think, feel with our brain. Roughly saying we have two rooms in our brain. One room controls emotional feelings, another room controls logical thinking. In terms of attitude, our brain sometimes stays positive side, sometimes negative side. So, we sometimes try to approach to the problem by a creative thinking or mythological thinking.

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