Thursday, October 19, 2006
From Heart
source by Eunsung Choi
See the Birds that Fly the Heaven
See the birds that fly the heavens, How they neither plow the earth. Nor yet gather for the store house. Any fruits the groud brings forth. Yet your Heav'ly Father feeds them;Then what future can you dread? You to Him so much more precious, Shall you not like them be fed?
See the lilies of the meadow, How they neither toil nor spin.Yet their raiment the splendor of King Solomon seem dim. Then shall God not clothe His children, Whom He loves, For whom He year,IF He so bedecks the grasses Which the farmer cuts and burns?
See the Birds that Fly the Heaven
See the birds that fly the heavens, How they neither plow the earth. Nor yet gather for the store house. Any fruits the groud brings forth. Yet your Heav'ly Father feeds them;Then what future can you dread? You to Him so much more precious, Shall you not like them be fed?
See the lilies of the meadow, How they neither toil nor spin.Yet their raiment the splendor of King Solomon seem dim. Then shall God not clothe His children, Whom He loves, For whom He year,IF He so bedecks the grasses Which the farmer cuts and burns?